ArchAngel Grants
About ArchAngel Grants
At ArchAngel we understand that caring for a child affected by MLD presents many challenges and have the facility to award private grants to individual families. ArchAngel has discreetly helped many UK families to purchase items including wheelchairs, bicycles, breathing apparatus and sensory toys; as well as blocks of much needed physiotherapy; home adaptations; and professional carers to provide long-term caregivers with respite.
We primarily try to help families in the following areas:
Equipment not provided by the NHS
Intensive blocks of physical or occupational therapy
Caregiver support
Although our fundamental focus is on these three areas, we also appreciate that families with children who have life-limiting conditions can come up against all sorts of other difficulties. We are therefore also very happy to accept requests for contributions for other one-off items or assistance for a family in need.
Our grants are open to benefit children with MLD who are UK residents and under the age of 18.

Equipment not provided by the NHS
We understand that there are a number of pieces of specialist equipment that are not funded by the NHS but which are essential to allow families to have as ‘normal’ lives as possible, for example supportive chairs, car seats and push chairs. Children with MLD usually have very low muscle tone and spinal weakness, which that means that standard pieces of equipment are not suitable for their needs as they do not provide adequate support. These items can be very expensive, however we will endeavour to fund or part-fund such purchases where possible.

Intensive blocks of physical or occupational therapy
For many MLD affected children, intensive blocks of physical or occupational therapy can make a real difference to their comfort and quality of life. Unfortunately the NHS has very limited provision for such therapy and the infrequency of appointments can often result in them being of little benefit. We will consider funding intensive blocks of therapy, for example twice weekly as opposed to once monthly. This approach has proven to be effective for several MLD affected children due to the frequency and consistency of the treatment.

Caregiver support
We know that many families take great joy in providing care to their MLD loved one so that they can remain at home, however we do not underestimate the physical, emotional and financial consequences which this can have. Life can be overwhelming without time or opportunities to enjoy the everyday things in life or the chance to simply rest and restore energy reserves. We would like to offer support to caregivers, whether in the form of help in the home or with respite care, to allow them time to complete everyday tasks, to spend time with other children or to take a much needed break.

Contributions for one-off items/assistance for individual families
ArchAngel will consider making contributions for one-off items or for assistance for a family in need, further to a referral from a medical or social work professional known to the family. For example, help towards the cost of home modifications or during times of hospitalisation which negatively impacts upon a family’s income/expenditure.
How to apply for a grant
Please email us: to request an application form. All application forms must be supported by a referral from a medical or social work professional known to the family. Please state the urgency of your application, we are able to turn grants around quickly if a family is in very urgent need.
Other sources of help
We are always in urgent need of donations to help fund our grant programme. Occasionally we run short of funds and can’t help families as much as we would like to. In these circumstances, we would always try to help families find financial support from other organisations, including: