Donations & Fundraising
100% of all donations goes directly into research and helping MLD affected families
How can you help ?
Small charities are often overlooked in favour of organisations which help greater numbers of people, however at ArchAngel we believe that EVERY child counts, no matter how rare their condition. ArchAngel is staffed entirely by volunteers who take no wages or expenses.
100% of all donations goes directly into research and helping MLD affected families.
We are always urgently in need of funds to help MLD families, please consider helping us to fundraise! We have the following fundraising platforms in place:

Cheque by post
Please make cheques payable to:
ArchAngel MLD Trust and post to: ArchAngel MLD Trust, 506 Betula House, North Wharf Road, London W2 1DT

Bank Transfer / Online Banking
Archangel MLD Trust
Sort code: 60 19 26
Account number: 29119170

People's Fundraising
Here is the link for donation

Run with RealBuzz
You can run for ArchAngel via our partners at RealBuzz
Here Is the link!